Tuesday, 31 January 2012

27 January - eating out

It turned out to be a day of eating out today. I was out for lunch with a friend in Thornbury (just outside Bristol). We went to Meze - which unsurprisingly, has a menu of lots of small dishes. I actually went for two dishes that made more of a standard meal, with Moroccan chicken tagine and couscous. It was very tasty, although the tagine was oddly creamy and a bit more like a curry than anything Moroccan. A good spot though and perfect for a good old natter.

When we'd planned to go out for Friday night supper, it hadn't occurred to me I'd be out for lunch too. So I was a bit less hungry than I'd have liked when we headed to the Thali Cafe in Clifton. The food was excellent as usual, although my lamb koftas in curry sauce were right on the edge of my spicy tolerance level! As the name suggests, the food arrives in lots of little bowls rather than as a single dish. As well as my koftas, there was rice, dahl, a yoghurty dip, a salad and another bowl of something saucy. They all look deceptively small and you work your way through, chatting away happily, then suddenly it hits you that you're absolutely stuffed! We were both glad of the 10-minute walk home to walk everything down a bit.Link

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