Sunday, 16 October 2011

15 October - a ploughmans and slow-roast pork

After a morning watching sport on the telly again, we went out for a wander and some lunch down by the harbour. We headed to the Pump House for a couple of gourmet ploughmans; Tris had traditional cheddar, but I went for mackerel pate that came with beetroot salad, apple, leaves and a lovely big hunk of bread, all presented on a big wooden board. It looked great and the pate was delicious.

Dinner was inspired by Lorraine Pascal's Home cooking made easy - slow-roast pork cooked all afternoon, with a handful of roast veg (carrots, parsnips, shallots and garlic) and some cabbage, plus of course, some gravy made from the pan juices. I was a bit dubious when the joint came out the oven looking a bit dry, but once it'd been rested for a bit, it just pulled apart with a fork - wonderfully juicy and tender and with some great crunchy crackling.

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